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  • Writer's pictureAmy Leggett

Checklist for Getting Ready To Go On My European Adventure!

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

I can't believe it! Two weeks from today I set off on an adventure through the Alps in Europe! I have been wanting to get back to Europe for a while now, but was still hesitant because of Covid and there was that little disruption in my life called divorce which kind of put big travels on the back burner for a bit. But I can't wait any longer and I planned an epic trip.

I am excited because I am going on this journey by myself but with others. Meaning, I signed up for a group tour with Go Ahead Tours (a division of EF Tours that does the educational trips a lot of schools do). I selected one called Oktoberfest: Jewels of Alpine Europe that is 14 days with stops in Zurich, Lucerne, French Alps via Bern, Annecy, the Lake Como Region (including Chamonix), St. Moritz, Innsbruck and ending in Munich and a day at Oktoberfest!

As I have shared before, I do love planning my own trips and truly enjoy doing the research to figure out what I want to see and do. But I can tell you it was so nice to just select the region I wanted to visit and then Go Ahead Tours sent me a full itinerary with flights, hotels and excursions all planned out. This summer has been crazy busy so I actually LOVE that the details are all taken care of for me this time. I just have to pack and get ready to go! Another bonus...I decided to go last minute so I got a discount on the tour. I guess there are some benefits to not being an obsessive planner all the time.

Apparently there are 12 other fellow travelers going on this particular trip so I can't wait to meet new people who love to travel. Of course I will be blogging about everything I see and do, including my thoughts about my group travel experience. This is a new thing for me, but I am hoping it is a great way for a solo person to travel but not be alone (although there is built in free time so I can get some "me" time during the journey to do whatever I find intriguing!).

My Checklist:

Since this trip is not something that has been on my agenda for a long time, I am now scrambling to take care of all those last minute details before I leave. Here is my checklist for things to do in the days or weeks before I depart for a trip:

  1. Doublecheck entry requirements (passport, visa, covid/vaccination) and make sure all documentation is in order.

  2. Make sure I have proper masks for those locales that still may require them.

  3. Make sure I have enough medication to pack for the length of my entire trip. Given the frequency of airline delays and cancellations these days, plan to pack up to an extra week of medications in case I am delayed getting home. If I don't have enough for this time period, refill prescriptions now.

  4. Make sure I have a sufficient supply of eye contacts to get me through my entire trip. If not, order new supply now.

  5. Locate universal plug adapter, voltage converter and required plug types for my destination. If I don't have what I need, make sure to purchase.

  6. Contact Verizon for information on roaming charges or service plans at my destination.

  7. Get some initial currency for places I will be visiting so I have some handy for tips, small purchases, etc. Generally there are better rates of exchange overseas, but need to make sure I have enough to use when I first arrive.

  8. Call my credit union/bank to find out about ATM withdrawal fees and to advise of travel plans so they don't deny my card for possible fraud while I am abroad.

  9. Arrange for a pet sitter to take care of my cats while I am away. Make sure I have enough food and other supplies for the entire time. If not, restock.

  10. I don't get much mail these days and I have a designated mail room in my apartment building, but we used to have to arrange for mail to be held while we were away when I lived in my house. Just including this item in the list to remind those who still need to take care of this concern when traveling.

  11. Start to assess packing needs based on travel plans and climate of location so I can purchase anything I might need for my trip. A girl always needs a couple of new outfits when going on vacation!

  12. Start gathering all my items together so I am not scrambling trying to find things the night before!

I am working on checking things off this list now so I can just relax and get excited for my adventure as it gets closer. I am really excited to get some insight on the group travel experience so I can share with anyone else who finds themselves embarking on solo adventures. I am also so psyched about the spectacular views I am sure to photograph as I travel through the Jewels of the Alps! I can't wait to hoist a giant beer mug with my new travel friends under one of the huge beer tents at Oktoberfest to cap off an amazing journey! Prost!

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